喜讯: 世达模型获得中国海关 AEO 认证

AEO certificate

Star Rapid is now an “Authorized Economic Operator”, a certification recognized by the World Customs Organization (WCO) as part of the international SAFE program, or Standards to Secure and Facilitate global trade.

Star was actually approved for this program in 2021, but Covid restrictions delayed final certification.

OK, that sounds all well and good, but what does that mean for your business?

Shipments from AEO-certified suppliers enjoy preferential customs clearance and greatly streamlined procedures, resulting in fewer delays with your shipments and fewer inspections. So, the associated customs clearance is fast, and costs are lower.

Keep in mind, since the export paperwork is done in accordance with internationalregulations, your goods can be shipped quickly and easily to a third party country, but only if they’re in the WCO network.

Click below to find a complete list of WCO members.


Star Rapid Demonstrates A Higher Level of Service

An AEO license is a designated mark of trust, proving that we, the exporter of record, are compliant with all import-export regulations in the country of origin and destination.

AEO licensees have passed stringent qualifications for cargo security, financial stability, clear communication, and traceability throughout the entire supply chain.

The requirements of AEO are so demanding that, out of thousands of applicants, we are one of only a handful of companies in our region to be approved for this program.

This demonstrates our ongoing commitment to providing the highest levels of service to you. We want you to get your products to market as quickly as possible, without worries or fuss. To that end, we’ll continue to adhere to only the most progressive management systems to ensure your peace of mind and no delays on your projects


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