– Paul Errington, CEO of Connaught
– 从香港中港城乘船只需90分钟即可抵达
– 从广州机场乘车只需105分钟即可抵达
– 从深圳机场乘车只需90分钟即可抵达
– 从珠海机场乘车只需85分钟即可抵达
– 从广州南站乘轻轨到中山站只需35分钟即可抵达
Before visiting China, we highly recommend downloading WeChat. It is one of the most popular apps in China. With it, you can do anything from pay at the local convenience store to connect and chat with the many people you meet while traveling in China. Star has even developed an app on WeChat that provides you with names and addresses of restaurants, cafes, parks and more in Chinese to easily navigate via taxi to your preferred destination. Once you download WeChat, scan the below QR code to access this resource.
– Harvey Ho, COO of Gate Labs