About The Project
ConsumerNext recently asked us to make a CNC milled aluminum case for a new kind of electronic cigarette. They needed a case in two different sizes, for both men and women, and in each size they wanted to try different anodized colors to test the market. To achieve this, we made some small batch runs in light gold, dark blue, light rose and warm grey.
第一个挑战来自于产品的外形。产品整体轮廓有一个优美的弧度,横截面为椭圆形,向末端不断变窄。 据客户说,其他供应商也挑战过这个复杂的弧度,但是没有成功。世达的工程师们在编程阶段投入了大量精力,力求选择最合适的刀具,最优化的刀路,充分发挥各种先进加工设备的性能。最终,世达模型按照图纸设计,将产品完美的呈现给了客户。
ConsumerNext指定的产品材料是6082铝合金。 这是一种在强度和耐腐蚀性方面都优于6061的新型铝合金。只要加工刀具选择合适,这种材料的可加工性很高,同时表面光洁度也相当出色
加工材料和其他准备工作到位后,在DELCAM Powermill软件中打开客户的3D CAD。世达模型经验丰富的工程师,利用先进的编程软件,根据客人的CAD设计图档生成三维的刀具加工路径,最后以G代码输出。G代码是一种特殊的编程语言,可以将加工的动作指令传送给设备,我们的工程师也可以对代码进行优化,选择最合适的切削工具,不断追求更高的质量、速度和精度。
How The Parts Were Made
The Milled Case
ConsumerNext requested we use the aluminum material AL-6082. This is a relatively new aluminum alloy that’s superior to 6061 for strength and corrosion resistance. It machines very well and produces an excellent surface finish when the right cutting tools are used.
Uploading CAD File
Once we had the material and all preparations were in place, the 3D CAD drawing files were loaded into our DELCAM Powermill software. Our skilled programmers used the software to generate the 3D toolpaths using the CAD design file. We then output these tool paths as a set of instructions which are written in a special programming language called G-code. G-code tells the machine every motion necessary to make the finished part and it’s up to our machinist to optimize the code via our software and select the most appropriate cutting tools to ensure it produces the best quality, speed and accuracy.
CNC 加工完成以后,需要喷砂让铝合金表面呈现出均匀的哑光效果。为了保证喷砂质量,我们在产品内腔设计了支撑夹具,以便技术人员操作时更稳固。
At Star Rapid we also applied our own in-house metrology tests to confirm all material. In this video, you can see how we verify the raw material, an essential part of process control and ultimately customer satisfaction. Our quality control team provided final checks with a range of inspection equipment before shipping the part.
The Finished Product
The final product has a refined simplicity that might give the consumer the impression that it’s easy to make. Projects like these, however, actually require a subtle appreciation for the qualities of the raw material and the careful calibration of machine tools to achieve such an elegant, effortless result.
If you enjoyed reading this learn about how we made this innovative new coffee brewing system. Are you ready to start your next project? Send your CAD drawing file and our engineers will provide you with a free quote and project review.